Billet Families


Every season the Mercer Chiefs seek local families to become billet families. This upcoming season is no exception!

What is a billet family you might ask? An exceptional young player who lives outside the area and wants to come play for the Chiefs. Enter the billet family. Billet families provide a caring, supportive, family environment to be the home away from home for each of our players. Billeting can be a very exciting and rewarding experience for those willing to open up their homes to our hockey players.

‘I know from personal experience – I have billeted boys over the years, and I can share that the experience was a wonderful one for my family. We will always consider these young men a part of our family. Also, I was once a billet player and I will always consider my host family my second family,’ says Rob Broderick.

The player pays the billet family for their ‘room and board.’ While financial compensation is part of being a billet family, the real rewards are found in the relationships that are made with these players. Often times, lifelong bonds that cannot be broken and the player becomes part of your family! Providing a home and family atmosphere to these kids who are away from their own families, as they pursue their dreams, is very special. These players have all been vetted and are special young men. You are not responsible for driving them to or from the rink or for paying for any of their activities. They will keep busy with both on and off ice activities as they are very serious about looking to move on to play college and professional hockey one day.

Join the billeting world and host one of our Chiefs players this year! We have many players coming from a few different states and we need you!

This year billet families will receive $600 per month and Stick Time + Public Skating passes + NCDC Season Passes.

If interested, please contact Mike Kuzma at


What is a Billet Family?

A family that opens their home to out-of-state and/or international players. For many of them, this will be their first time away from home while they pursue the next step in their hockey career. There is no “typical billet”, meaning billets can be two-parent families, single-parent families, and, even “empty nesters.” The common denominator is a desire by the family to make a difference in a player’s life!

How old are the players?

Players are between the ages of 17 and 21 with the majority of them being 18 and 19 years old.

What does a typical day look like for a player?

During the week, players typically have practice each day, workouts, along with team meetings and other team activities. The weekends are usually busy with games or team activities on Friday and Saturday nights, with travel on Thursdays for most away games. 

How long does a player live with a host family?

Players will start skating the day after Labor Day to begin the season and remain until the end of the hockey season in the spring. At Christmas, they will have 2 weeks off and get back right after the New Year.

What are the responsibilities of the host family?

When a family volunteers to house a player, they are required to provide room and board for him. Billet families must be able to provide the player with his own bedroom which should include a bed, dresser, and closet. The family also agrees to provide nutritious meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) for either the player to prepare himself or eat with the family. Billet families are expected to treat the players as “one of the family” and not just a “renter.” Players have 11pm curfews per Chiefs – but if family wants an earlier one that is fine.

What are the responsibilities of the player?

Players will provide their own personal care items, clothing, cell phones, and computer. They must clean up after themselves, keep their room tidy, do their own laundry, follow all team and house rules, and show respect for every host family member. Players are also responsible for their own transportation to and from all hockey activities or for arranging rides.

Can a host family host more than one player?

Yes! It’s often easier to host more than one player. Two (or more) players can share transportation expenses, and often provide company for each other. If hosting more than one player, families do not need to provide separate rooms for each.

Does the host family receive compensation?

Yes! Each billet family receives a monthly stipend of $550 for each player living with them. In addition, the family receives season tickets to all home games and access to exclusive billet events/perks. Besides offsetting expenses a billet family incurs when hosting a player, this allows our organization to acknowledge the invaluable service families provide to the individual players and the team.

What happens if the billet situation is not working?

Generally, billet families and players get along very well. We strongly recommend that all billet house rules be communicated to a player when he arrives. It is best if these can be in writing with a copy provided to our Billet Coordinator. If any situations arise, they should be handled immediately – first within the family, and then with the Billet Coordinator. If problems still persist and cannot be resolved, the Billet Coordinator will communicate with the Head Coach and make other arrangements for the player.

What happens if a billet is traded or released from the organization during a season?

Unfortunately, this does happen in the business of junior hockey. We do our best to support billet families when this situation arises–many opt to take another player to “fill the gap” of the previous. Though their time on the Chiefs may end, your relationship does not have to, with many previous billets and families continuing to foster their relationship from a distance.

What happens after the season ends?

Most of the time, billet families, players, and the players’ family develop very special bonds and remain close long after the player has left the Chiefs organization. We do our very best to ensure that this experience is rewarding for both the player and the billet family members.

Billet Flyer